For the ARRL September VHF QSO Party contest, I used the FT-817ND QRP radio, the Elk Log Periodic 144/432 antenna, and a home-brew 50MHz dipole. Camped at Summit Lake in Lassen National Park Friday and on Saturday hiked the 2500 feet (3.5 miles) up to the summit of Brokeoff Mountain (9200' ASL) by around 2pm. Was able to operate QRP (typically 2.5 watts) from the summit for two hours, and had a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Dave, and I'm studying computer science in Switzerland. These days, I finished my bachelor thesis about implementing PSK31 on Android platform. For the diploma exhibition on our university, I really would like to show your picture ( to show mobile use of ham radio. Of course, I will name the picture's source. Please let me know if this would be OK for you: david(dot)rohrer(at)stud(dot)hslu(dot)ch
Thank you very much!
Dave Rohrer